Business segment termination of SKF® Economos
ADVANTEC Hydraulik is still there for you!
SKF® Economos Deutschland GmbH has informed its customers that the SKF® Group has decided to discontinue the business of repairing and building new hydraulic cylinders. In the future, SKF® Economos Deutschland will focus more on its core business, which includes customized sealing solutions, in particular the production of machined seals.
Customers who still require support in the areas of new construction, modification and repair of hydraulic cylinders can contact ADVANTEC Hydraulik GmbH in the future. ADVANTEC Hydraulik has extensive experience and expertise in this area and is available to existing SKF® Economos customers as a competent partner for all questions relating to hydraulic cylinders.
Customers who still require support in the areas of new construction, modification and repair of hydraulic cylinders can contact ADVANTEC Hydraulik GmbH in the future. ADVANTEC Hydraulik has extensive experience and expertise in this area and is available to existing SKF® Economos customers as a competent partner for all questions relating to hydraulic cylinders.
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